Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

When I was a kid back in The Last Century, my family hosted relatives every other year for Thanksgiving dinner. About 24 people were seated around two tables. Most of the time was spent handing platters to the person seated to the left (or occasionally to the right--one of my brothers always ignored the protocol). There was relatively little space left on the table, so (at least it seemed to me) there weren't many opportunities to use both hands to cut the quickly cooling turkey on our plates. And there was little meaningful conversation, either!

To improve your celebration around your groaning board today, here's a quiz you can bring with you. At the very least, there'll be some controversy about the answer to the first question.

If you're above trivia and want some real history, read these eyewitness accounts of the first Thanksgiving (the platter-passing seems not to have been a part of this celebration).

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