Friday, May 7, 2010

Is the Census senseless?

You might hear some grumblings about the Census, mandated by the Constitution to be taken every ten years (this is the 32nd Census since its inception in 1790). Here's the start of a series of facts to help silence these groans. 

How are Census data used?

  • Decision making at all levels of government
  • Drawing federal, state, and local legislative districts.
  • Distributing over #300 billion in federal funds and even more in state funds.
  • Forecasting future transportation needs for all segments of the population
  • Planning for hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and the location of other health services.
  • Forecasting future housing needs for all segments of the population.
  • Directing funds for services for people in poverty.
  • Designing public safety strategies.
  • Development of rural areas.
  • Analyzing local trends.
But wait! There's more! But not today. Please digest these first. 

source: U.S. Census Bureau

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