Monday, May 10, 2010

Senseless Census? (Part Two)

Is the Census senseless?

You might hear some grumblings about the Census, mandated by the Constitution to be taken every ten years (this is the 32nd Census since its inception in 1790). Here's the next installment of a series of facts to help silence these groans. 
How else are Census data used?
  • Analyzing local trends.
  • Estimating the number of people displaced by natural disasters.
  • Developing assistance programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives.
  • Creating maps to speed emergency services to households in need of assistance.
  • Delivering goods and services to local markets.
  • Designing facilities for people with disabilities, the elderly, and children.
  • Planning future government services.
  • Planning investments and evaluating financial risk
  • Publishing economic and statistical reports about the United States and its people.
  • Facilitating scientific research.
More to come.

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